Friday, January 22, 2010

To record... Or not to record?

So, this... Is my first blog ever. I've never been one to keep a journal (or blog) and I'm not much of a writer, but lets give this a shot;

I'm conflicted. I hate to mark the beginning of my 'Blog Journey' with those words, but its just one of those days, or weeks I should say. This week everything has gone wrong. My car broke down (and is costing a fortune to fix). The single guitar that I have left to my name shit the bed (and is costing a fortune to fix). And to top it off, my Dad gave a convincing argument to why I should not record my album next month. Which is why I'm conflicted, I thought I was absolutely sure of what I was doing, but my Dad always ends up being right. So I need to weigh my options. My Dad says when the right people/person hears my music they'd be more impressed with the potential of the raw material than they would be with the songs that I Rush-recorded in LA.

Therefore, my Dad doesn't believe there is a significant difference between the 'Live Demos' that I record in my room and the songs that I spend thousands of dollars recording in LA. Granted, I dont even have the money to record the album that I plan on recording next month, but I know that I will make it happen. I always do. He thinks that I should just release the songs live the way they are, and wait another six months to record a studio album.

The fact that my Dad is my biggest fan made it hard for me to argue with the things he was saying. During the next 6 months I would be saving money, playing LOTS of shows, further developing the songs, and writing more songs. Who knows what will happen in 6 months though. 6 months ago my latest EP 'She Was Summer' didn't even exist! I've grown and improved so much over the passed 6 months that I'm almost a different artist altogether.

-One thing that hasnt changed. Is my indecisive mind. Help me. Give me your extended opinion on this topic. PLEASE?!


  1. So at first, when you were saying to record or not to record I partially thought you were going to give up recording all together. My heart sank but now that I fished it out of the deep end, I can give you my honest opinion. As much as music defines you and as much as everyone wishes we can live on sugar and rainbows, the truth of the matter is you have to raise the necessary funds before you dive in. If you go in to this recording process thinking "I'm spending $7,000 on this, and I have no money to buy food, a car, or even strings on my guitar," you're going to worry. That's going to take over and it's going to come out in the way that you sing. Granted, we will always respect your decisions and we're going to be behind you about 4000%, it's also important that you do what YOU can do for yourself. Whether you record six weeks or six months from now, you have to be emotionally and mentally ready for the process.

    You can't rush perfection.

    Much love, always.


  2. I think that it might be a good idea to wait on recording. It would be a good idea to get your car fixed and putting recording off for a little would give you a little more time/money (as you were saying) and would make the new songs that much better. Rushing recording wouldn't be the best idea either. But if you feel like you're ready, in the right place mentally, to record, than go for it!

  3. As much I we don't like it, our parents are going to be right half of the time. But remember that our parents tell us what they do to help. In my opinion maybe you should wait to collect the money that you need, and you have unexpected expenses. Like you said you have a couple of shows and that's great. Don't worry, it's always darker before dawn. You'll figure it out :)

    Edna Ortega :)

  4. So, I originally had this long post, but my luck, it deleted haha. So, this is take two, a shorter version of what I originally wrote.

    This is definitely a tough decision. I know myslef, along with the O20, want an Anthony Hall album ASAP, but I want what's best for you more. If you making the best album possible means waiting, then I agree with your dad. You're incredibly talented and we don't need fancy recording to hear that. It shows so much in the songs you recorded in your room.

    I've been in your situation many times. I plan on certain things happening and it seems as if every obstacle possible is preventing me from making it happen. Just because we want something to happen now doesn't always mean it's what's best for us. I know personally, yeah it sucked when certain things didn't happened in the now, but as time went by, I saw that it not happening was best for me. At least by waiting you can save up more money, and even we, the O20, can brainstorm ideas and things to contribute money wise. Ultimately it;s your decision. No matter what, we'll always stand by you and cheer you own. If it's meant to be, it will be.



  5. Anthony you should know that your friends, family, and fans will support you no matter what choice you make. And if you don't have the means to record a new album right now then you shouldn't feel pressure to do it! I think that your live recordings from your own house are amazing! There is no need to rush into making more music just yet. Try building up your fan base and getting you name out there. Let them hear your first songs, then give them something new later on when it works for you! You really shouldn't be stressing yourself out about recording when you have a lot of other things to focus on as well. One thing at a time, Anthony!
    We love you no matter what. Just remember that. (:
    ~ Michelle

  6. (: i made an account for you. im so happy you made a blog! and i think it is a good idea if you tour for a while and get your stuff out there, then record. your music is amazingly beautiful and im sure you will get big soon, especially if you tour. but you have to promise me that if you tour, you will come to ohio so i can meet you? <3
    allie (@alliecomes)

  7. Heyy! Im soo glad you got a blog!Anywayss Im sorry all that happened to you:( Keep your head up.I think what you should do is listen to your dad.Some how parents are always right.You should get your guitar and especially your car fixed.Also you should save up more money && hold off on the cd.Like maybe you should let out an EP in the spring and the full cd in the summer. For touring, you should see if kevin, the warped tour director can squeeze you in for a few shows(I think thats his name.haha)Maybe mike could help you with that.Also you should go to a few warped tours and handout some flyers talking about you and sell some cds.So you should wait to record.Dont worry, you wont lose us fans. Is there anytthing we can do to help promote you?:)

  8. While I want the CD, I would totally understand if it was pushed back. I mean, if you need a new guitar, that should be a top priority--esp. b/c you NEED that to make the music. Yes, you want to get it out and have people listening to you, but at the same time, you need certain things to survive. We'll love you no matter what! o20 for life.

  9. You'll be getting an extended opinion from me but not via blog comment.

    All this needs to say is that I, and I know all your friends, family, fans, and especially the original 20 - support you no matter what! It's endless love, no doubt.

    <33 Becca
